How fun! My friend Babs over at Scattered Scraps and Snippets has tagged me.
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
OK, so here we go, 7 random facts.....
1. I am the oldest of 4 siblings. I have one younger sister and 2 younger brothers.
2. I have never flown on an airplane.
3. My dream job would be to do voice work. You know, like providing the voices for animated movies or doing narration for films. Especially doing character voices, I think that would be a blast!!!!
4. I am a breakfast food junkie. Cereal, oatmeal, bagles, pancakes, you name it. I could live on breakfast foods for the rest of my life and never miss lunch or dinner :cD
5. I am the family athlete. In my younger days I played softball, volleyball, basketball, ran track and field (ok I threw the shot put and discus, but I did place in the state meet in the shot put), and was a nationally ranked powerlifter in the ADFPA when I was 19. Right now I love to run altough I don't get out to do it as much as I would like to. I have run 5 marathons, 5 half marathons and several smaller distance races. I am hoping to run at least a half if not a full marathon in the fall of this year.
6. I still love to watch cartoons. Guess I'm still a kid at heart.
7. I collect thimbles. I started collecting them before I ever even touched a sewing machine. I have well over 100 from a lot of different places. I look for them everywhere we travel, and have lots I wouldn't necessarily have been able to get thanks to my on-line friends and family that travles more than me.
Well, there you go. Some random facts about Country Mouse. Now to tag some others. I'm relatively new to the blogging thing so I don't know that I know 7 people to tag, but I'll tag Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio, Laurie at . , ( I have them linked on the left) and anyone else who wants to play can consider themselves tagged by me :cD
Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's day. We don't go all out here, but we had a nice evening together. I got to help out with the Valentines party for my son. Lots of fun, brought back fond memories of Valentines parties when I was young. It was always such fun to pass out your valentines to your friends, then even more fun to see all the goodies that were waiting for you in your Valentines box. Ahhhh, memories :) I got a lovely card, flowers and candy from City. So sweet. I got him a card, some candy, and the most recent release of his favorite TV show on DVD. I think he was happy ;) Then we all had dinner together and enjoyed the evening. All in all a very nice day!
Here it is Friday already! I've been able to get more done on my scrappy bargello. Both mouslings were is school this morning, so I was able to blissfully sew away for about 2 hours this morning. I now have all the strips cut and 2 more pannels ready to sew. I've also got my ugly challenge top nearly done, and the binding 1/2 way done on the puppy quilt. I am debating on taking a day trip tomorrow. I've had my fair share of stress here the last week or so, so I may try to get away to Amish country for a bit tomorrow. I'm just gonna see how things go tomorrow. I'm off to sew a bit more, hope everyone else finds some quality quilty time too! Warm country wishes!!