I spent some time cleaning out my sewing area yesterday, and found a few more UFOs to add to my list on the left there. I never cease to be amazed at what I find when I clean out closets and such. I know when I put stuff away I think to myself "This will be a great place to store this. I know I'll remember I put this here." Then, almost without fail, I forget what I put where. It's almost like getting presents when I find them. Although to be honest some of the 'presents' I find this way are kind of like that awful pair of socks someone gets for you. I look at them and think "Was I out of my mind or what?" lol Aaaahhh well, its all a learning process. I tend to be pretty fearless when I work on a project. Just picking out fabrics I like that I think will work together. Choosing patterns and designing as I go along. Sometimes they turn out well, other times...well.......:cS Its OK though, its all fun so its all good.
Today is my day to devote solely to UFOs so I am quilting away on Jessica's quilt. Also hope to get some work in on a few others. Also gonna try to get out and get a run in today. I really haven't been running like I would like to be, but there is a group from work wanting to do a 5k in a couple weeks and I told them I would love to be part of the group. So I better start getting my rear out the door to go run :cD
Good luck running that 5K, that takes a lot of HARD WORK to prepare for and to run it!
Do you love your Cathedral Window? I did one block in a Sampler (my first quilt) and that one block was so heavy that I used it as the center block just so my quilt would have some stability in the middle ;-D !! But they are beautiful to look at! Followed a few years later with individual tiny 2 inchers that I used as Christmas Decos on my tree, fun and pretty on the tree (my year for handmade country ornaments)but lots of work for the end results!
I like that quilt you have pictured there. It's beautiful.
I get where you are coming from about discovering UFO's tucked away somewhere safe. I do that all the time too. Thinking I'll get to it soon I put it away and then I get to re-finding it every so often.
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